Way of Uko

Required Feat: Way of Uko

You are trained to use your body as a conduit of the force and express it as Uko. You are able to use Uko Powers. (Uko is translated by most scholars as “Power”.)

Prerequisite: Force Sensitive. 

Benefit: You gain 4 Force Manipulation Skills of your choice, including Uko Powers. Further, you gain the Martial Arts Skill specialization: Way of Uko and one melee weapon at no cost. Lastly, you gain the Knowledge specialized skill: Cultures: Way of Uko.

The Way of Uko Martial Art

The Way of Uko martial arts style is characterised by its extensive footwork, acrobatic kicks, low, wide stances, quick offensive strikes, and unique fist position (where the thumb is curled in the same manner as the other fingers, rather than wrapped around them). The style mostly emphasizes attacking first, hard, and keeping your opponent on the defensive. 

Way of Uko- Martial Art Maneuvers: 

Maneuver Skill & Difficulty Damage/Effect
Fast Strike* Easy STR+2d6
Killing Strike* Easy vs. Dodge STR+3d6
Leg Sweep* Easy vs. Dodge STR+1d6;Target Falls
Martial Block* Easy -2d6 to any rolls rest of round

*May be used with a weapon

Philosophy and History

Strike First. Strike Hard. Be Strong.  

The Undying Monk was found long ago in the mountains of Zotho, a planet in the Lotho Minor system, Wazta Sector, Outer Rim. Travelers came to Zotho, and upon finding him atop his rock, meditating, they sat in his presence. Eventually, they began building a temple around him. Then a monastery.

As time went on, people got word of the Undying Monk, traveling far to find him. Only the lost could find him. People missing pieces of themselves. Arrivals would no longer have their names from before, and begin work for the monk. These tasks would eventually earn them their name. Upon this, then their training would begin in earnest. 

After learning the physical and martial art aspects of the Way of Uko, the student would begin finding their path to power, or Uko. Similar in some aspects to the Monks of Shimura’s Ka abilities, Uko disciples gained access to superhuman abilities. 

Cauldron of Uko

The Cauldron of Uko contains certain molten matter that resonates with the container’s materials. A prospective student may come to the Cauldron and with a sufficient Strength check, pull the Cauldron against their chest, pushing the Symbol of Uko brand against their chest, holding it there long enough causes them to become Force Sensitive. (Willpower or Stamina Moderate skill check to hold it there. Afterwards, consider themselves Wounded Twice.) If they do not have a Feat slot open, then they will lose a feat of their choice and replace it with Force Sensitive Feat. Roll your force potential dice (3d6). If you missed the difficulty of the Willpower or Stamina roll, then subtract a die from your roll for every 5 that you missed the difficulty by. Keep in mind, you can later get the Strong in the Force feat to increase your potential. You now have a new Attribute, Force Manipulation. To put dice in it, you will need to subtract dice or pips from your other Attributes, to build the new one. Skills will go down in the harvested Attributes to the new Attribute levels. 

Way of Uko Powers


Atemi is the use of pressure points to lock joints, temporarily paralyze, dislocation of joints, and possibly kill someone via Dim Mak technique. The character can use a combination of Martial prowess and knowledge of pressure points to render a target paralyzed or dead. If trying to use Atemi on an alien species, roll Knowledge or the Alien Species skill to find the correct pressure points. Martial Arts is used to hit the target and the Atemi skill is used for creating the damage effects. It’s possible to use the Atemi for healing or other effects. 

How to use: To paralyze a target, first roll Atemi skill versus a difficulty. Then roll Martial Arts or Brawling attack roll to hit. Reversing Atemi damage is the same as creating the paralysis. 

Dislocating joints: roll Atemi to hit vs. hit location difficulty + target’s dodge. If hit, then that joint is dislocated. Ouch! 



One limb-Easy 

Two limbs or mobility-Moderate

All except neck and mouth-Difficult

Total paralysis-Very Difficult. 

Dim Mak: Very Difficult to activate plus modifiers for how long until the damage hits. Damage will be determined by Atemi Skill dice plus normal Strength and any maneuver modifiers for the Martial Maneuver used to make the hit. 1 Dark for using this aspect of Atemi. Cannot use Atemi to reverse Dim Mak.

Warning: Anyone who uses this power to harm a helpless character receives 1 Dark per attack. 

Block Power

A practitioner can use this technique to block a Force users’ connection to the Force. The practitioner must be touching or striking (via Martial Arts or Brawling) a target. They must continue touching according to the Time to Use rule. 

Skill Difficulty: Depending on duration Desired 

• 1 Round Easy - 10 

• 2 Rounds Moderate - 15 

• Up to 5 Rounds Difficult - 20 

• Up to 15 Rounds Very Diff - 25 

• Up to 3 Hours Very Diff - 30 

• Up to 1 Day Heroic - 40 

• Up to 1 Week Heroic - 45 

• Up to 1 Month Heroic - 50 

• Up to 1 Year Heroic - 60 

• Up to 5 Years Heroic - 70 

• Up to 15 Years Heroic - 80 

• Permanent Heroic - 100 

Skill Difficulty modified by proximity and on type of Force to Block: 

• Single, Specific Use Difficult - 17 

• Single Skill Power Very Diff - 27 

• 2 Skill Powers Heroic - 39 

• 3 Skill Powers Heroic - 52 

• Entire Attribute Heroic - 76 

This power may be kept "up". 

Time to Use: One Round for every level of duration. 

Effect: In game terms this is a most devastating power. This power can be activated as a reaction to a specific force power used by another Force Sensitive, or it can have a more premeditated use. When used, the user suffers a -1D to all Force Skills for 2 times the duration called for. Any Force Sensitive Character who has had their Force Attribute or  all their skills blocked will appear to any mode of detection as non-force sensitive. The practitioner of this power can use it on themselves. Any malicious use of this power will cause the practitioner to gain 2 Dark Side. 

Channel Power

A practitioner can channel their energy into a non powered weapon or object. Does not work on Vibro Weapons, the energy causes the Vibro Weapon to malfunction. 

Mechanics: The power lasts for five rounds, after which time it must be activated again. The amount by which the Skill skill roll exceeds the difficulty determines how much extra damage the weapon inflicts on a successful hit. Note that this damage will allow a weapon to exceed its listed maximum damage (if any).

Moderate (15) difficulty to activate.

Warning: A character who uses this power in order to injure or kill a helpless being immediately gains a Dark 1 to balance.


A practitioner may inflict damage with their touch. The opposite of healing. 

Mechanics: A practitioner must make a successful touch on the target. This can be achieved by a Dex check, Brawling, Martial Arts, and possibly Acrobatics vs. a target’s Defense roll, such as Dodge, Acrobatics, or a Dex check. Then roll the power’s dice as damage. No armor or other defenses, save a force field or the Defense power can stop it. 


When this power is activated an energy field surrounds the body (especially the hands and forearms) of the practitioner allowing him to parry and deflect blaster bolts as well as lightsabers.


One opponent Easy

2 foes, Moderate

3 foes Difficult, and so on…

When parrying blaster bolts or lightsabers, assuming the parry roll is successful, use the Defence skill dice + Strength Roll vs. Damage roll.

NOTE: While the practitioner is empowered his damage using fists or feet when hitting an opponent is significantly increased (Damage equals Defense skill dice + Strength roll).

Enhance Ability

This ability boosts the Force user's physical attributes, such as strength, dexterity, ect. Yoda overcomes age-related infirmities with this ability, mandatory for a practitioner of Form IV lightsaber combat. Astrogation, piloting, acrobatics, lightsaber, and repair skills, for example, may all be enhanced with this Force ability.

Mechanics: Choose an attribute or skill to enhance, and consult the chart below. Note that Attributes are increased by a set amount of dice where skills get a percentage of Manipulation dice. NOTE: When enhancing an attribute, it will only affect the attribute not the skills under it.

When Enhancing an Attribute:



Lasts for:



3 rounds



2 rounds



1 round

When Enhancing a Skill:


Amount of Dice Given

Lasts for:


½ of Manipulation Dice

5 rounds


¾ of Manipulation Dice

4 rounds


All of the Manipulation Dice

3 rounds


Luke escapes Hoth and prepares to enter hyperspace to find Yoda on Dagobah. He instinctively uses Enhance Ability to enhance his Astrogation skill. He rolls his Manipulation roll and gets a 17, so he can add all of his Manipulation dice to his Astrogation skill. He easily guides his X-wing to dagobah.

While going through Naboo’s core in a bongo it stalls and begins to sink. Obi-wan uses Enhance Ability to raise his Repair Vehicle skill and quickly repairs the bongo.

Qui-Gon Jinn searches for an assassin before his next strike so he uses Enhance Ability to improve his Investigation skill.

Obi-wan uses Enhance Ability to increase his Acrobatics roll to tumble away from Darth Maul’s lightsaber.


Haste allows the practitioner to make many more actions as normal within the time frame of one round. 


Easy: 1 Additional Action.

Difficult: Twice the normal Actions.

Heroic:   Three times the normal Actions. (Max of 8 actions)

Note: Haste does not increase move speed. 

Fist of Power

A practitioner gathers energy around one of their fists and then can make a focused attack on a target and unleash this energy, causing devastating damage. 

Successfully activating this power, the character can make a Martial Arts or Brawling attack and add the Skill’s power dice to the damage. Scale of damage dice can be added as well. Can only be used once a day. If the character attempts to use this power more than once a day he must make a Stamina roll vs. the total activation difficulty used to activate the power a second time and so on. 


¼ damage: Easy

½ damage: Moderate

Full Damage: Difficult

Increasing scale of damage: 

Speeder: +5

Walker: +10

Starfighter: +15

Capital: +20

Warning: Anyone who uses this power to harm a helpless character receives 2 Dark per attack. 


Use the Force to augment their natural leaping ability. A basic ability, adept users perform record-smashing vertical/horizontal leaps with impunity. Examples include Obi-Wan killing Darth Maul and Luke leaping out of the carbonization chamber in Cloud City. Force jump is standard for lightsaber battles.

Mechanics: Roll Force Skill or Manipulation attribute roll.

Very Easy: 1 - 5 meters

Easy: 6 - 10 meters

Moderate: 11 - 15 meters

Difficult: 16 - 20 meters

Very Difficult: 21 - 30 meters

Heroic: 31 - 40 meters

*Note: For every additional 10 meters (or part thereof) add 5 to the difficulty of the jump. The speed at which the jump occurs is double the Jedi’s movement rate.

Ka Healing (Katsu)

Curing with Ka involves channeling Positive Ka into a wounded body. So long as the practitioner is conscious, it’s also possible to heal oneself with Katsu. 

Each successful use of this power allows the person being healed to make two natural healing rolls for the current day (12 hours apart) regardless of the severity of the injury. The patient gets a +1D modifier to both Strength rolls to heal. Katsu may only be attempted once per day, per person


Easy for wounded characters

Moderate for incapacitated characters

Difficult for mortally wounded characters.


A practitioner is able to transform into a smoky state to evade blows or to survive falls or to move stealthily about. While in shadow form, practitioners cannot jump or climb. Movement is halved. You are harder to see, granting the practitioner Shadowalk skill dice to any sneak or similar skill checks when the power is up. May be used as a reaction skill vs. an attack. With success, the user becomes smoky for the duration of the attack. When in a smoky state, may not grab or interact with most things. Forcefields and other devices that seal against gas, will keep you out. Water: power does not work in water or any liquid. You can only take up to half your mass in gear with you. Particularly dense items, such as Mandalorian Beskar, can sometimes add to the difficulty. Depends on how much of such material users are carrying. 

Difficulty: Easy to activate for one round

Power may be kept “up”. Requires a Moderate Concentration skill check to maintain it. 


The power to make targets to shatter. By using this power, a practitioner can cause objects to shatter, not disintegrate. Does not work on organic matter, except, maybe bones. Would be difficult. If the organic matter is like the rocky skin of a Vathkree, then the power may work. Requires the practitioner to touch the target. Forcefields and other energy fields will prevent this power from working. Same if the object is coated with a liquid, like water or oil. 

Difficulty: Upon a successful attack roll to touch the target, skill roll vs. Material Strength of object, with success, the object fragments into pieces. 


Allows the user to sprint (even when moving backwards) for as long as the effect lasts. The user perceives the world slowing down around him, as shown in Jedi Knight II: Jedi Outcast. Greater aptitude grants greater speed and/or greater duration. The ability first appeared in the book "Shadows Of The Empire" during a fight between Luke Skywalker and Guri, and later in the game Jedi Knight: Dark Forces II. Obi-wan and Qui-Gonn show this power at the beginning of The Phantom Menace when Qui-Gonn attempts to burn through the blast door, but had to flee the destroyer droids. 


Easy: May move at double speed.

Difficult: May move at triple speed.

Heroic: May move at quadruple speed.

When used with Force Jump, the power enhances the speed of the jump. Duration is instant.

Note: Haste power does not increase move speed. 


The practitioner does not need to breathe, drink or eat. They can survive in the vacuum of space. They use this power to sustain themselves. 

How it works: The skill’s dice equals days the practitioner can survive without sustenance. An Moderate Sustenance skill roll to activate the power. Once the time period has passed, the character must rest for 24hrs, or more, after, to renew themselves.