Action Dice

Action dice are a pool of extra dice that give a boost or add a dramatic resolution to rolls. At the start of each session, you get your full action dice total. This is determined by character level. All action dice not spent by the end of the gaming session are lost.

You may spend these dice in any of the following ways:

1. You may add the result of 1 or more of your action dice to any die roll you make. There is one exception: You may spend only 1 action die to boost damage results.

2. You may declare that you want to boost a die roll at anytime, even after making the roll. Also, you may spend any number to boost 1 die roll, so long as there are Action die left. You may not continue spending action dice after the GM has described the outcome of the action(s) associated with the roll. GM should ask if you are done with your roll first.

3. If you roll a six on the action die, then roll the die again.

4. The GM may award action dice during a session if he feels that you have roleplayed, shown leadership, problem-solving, or entertained the group. If you feel one of the other players should be awarded and the GM hasn’t done so, you can nominate that player. The GM is final arbiter of who is to be awarded. These action die can be used anytime in the session, but go away after the session. You do get an xp bonus of 5 points for every 1 action die awarded.


GM Action Dice

GMs also receive action dice to use during game sessions. He may use them the same as the players do above for his legions of npcs as well as the following ways:

1. Save a NPC from capture or death. A GM may spend 4 Action Dice on the moment of death or anytime after capture. The means of escape or survival are to be detailed by the GM. The NPC can’t appear again in the same session.

2. When awarding a Action Die to a player, he gains an Action Die.

3. Anytime he gives a hint to the players, he gains an Action Die. Unless noted by a feat or special ability.

GMs have a number of Action Dice determined by the number of players and the level of the characters. The formula: total character level/number of players plus 2. So if you have 5 level 6 characters, the GM would get 8 dice. ((30/5)+2)