SW RPG Timeline

BBY/ABY Year Count
3965 BrS
4,000yrs BBY
Tales of the Jedi Campaign-Mercosa Sith Assasins
36 BrS
70yrs BBY
Roma Jaryn Daydos II was born on Pelagon, a planet in the Tapani Sector. He was part of the ruling family of House Pelagia. As a young child on an Ocean world, he wanted to be a fisherman, but his family had other plans, they were grooming him to be married to a Baroness in House Cadriaan. Growing up in a family of spin doctors and royalty caused him to be rather arrogant and manipulative, until his family visited Coruscant….
21 BrS
55yrs BBY
At age 15 he was with his family on Coruscant visiting dignitaries, politicos, and the rich. He snuck away and checked out some of the more seedy areas down below. He was saddened by the hardship he witnessed there. While helping a homeless alien to get to a shelter, he was accosted by two thugs. Fortunately Jedi Master Ember-Harax Dryng and her padawan Marka Seban arrive on the scene and arrested them for other crimes committed above. Marka is the same age as young Jaryn and they are instantly smitten with each other. However, she is a jedi in training and he’s, well nothing at the time, other than a rich arrogant slob. But meeting the Jedi makes him change his mind about his life and his intended fate. He decides there in that dark alley to become someone that helps others and bring people up out of this dark place. He spends the next several years going to medical school, before leaving and joining the Republic’s Judicial Department, partly to make a bigger difference and partially to see if he might work with the Jedi again.
16 BrS
50yrs BBY
While hunting the dread pirate Felblade, the ship he is on, The Judicator is destroyed and he is left stranded on a remote planet in the Mid-Rim, Velotta Sector, Bice system, planet Bice II. A Jedi taskforce is sent out to assist with recovery of the crew and hunting the pirates. Among the taskforce of 10 Jedi is 20 year old padawan Marka Seban and her master Ember-Harax Dryng. She is almost ready for her trials and is looking forward to the next level of training. Eager to prove herself, she takes a jedi fighter alone against some of the pirate forces over the planet Bice II. She succeeds at downing three fighters but is taken out by the remaining nine. She crash-lands on the planet and struggles to find shelter on the Type IV atmosphere world. Daydos sees the crash and takes the injured Marka to his shelter, nursing her back to health. The two begin making in roads towards friendship during this ordeal. Eventually they are rescued and join the taskforce in capturing Felblade and his pirate gang. Making a good team, they are frequently on missions together during this time.
15 BrS
49yrs BBY
On one mission to Mutanda, they encounter a hokami jedi master and his apprentice, Azis Purrwakawaka. Marka begins to look at what it means to be a jedi slightly differently after this. Marka and Daydos soon find and capture Felblade. Shortly after this mission she is awarded knighthood. Her master Ember-Harax Dryng leaves for the Rim.
12 BrS 46yrs BBY
While attending his mother’s funeral, Daydos finds Marka there to console him and offer him a chance to go on a mission to the Rim. Her master Ember-Harax Dryng is missing and she means to find her. This not being a sanctioned mission by the council or the Judicials, they go it alone. While on this mission, Marka realizes that she is feeling attachment for Daydos, while he knows he has feelings for her. Both understand that they cannot act on these feelings and try to maintain distance. Marka finds her former master and learns that she has been trying to find Sith Scrolls to place in the Jedi archives and away from prying eyes. What Ember didn’t count on was the seductive power of the darkside and it’s evil influence upon her. She renounces her Jedi teachings and fights Marka. During the fight Ember claims to be Marka’s mother, but later investigation proves this false. Ember is knocked down a deep shaft by a shot from Daydos and Ember is believed dead. The scrolls are given to the Jedi Archives for safekeeping. An unspoken bond and trust now exists between Marka and Daydos.
11 BrS 45yrs BBY
After returning from the Rim, Daydos decides to ‘retire’ from the Judicials and return to school to complete his medical training and become a doctor. Marka becomes a Jedi Knight of some renown, especially along the diplomatic front, and as a healer, and bit of a free thinker. However, both can’t seem to forget the other. They send each other messages via holonet and other means during this time, to maintain ties. Marka visits and congratulates him at graduation.
7 BrS 41yrs BBY
A newly minted doctor, Daydos heads out on various freighters and starships to gain experience and to see the galaxy. Marka continues to ruffle feathers with the council and also continues to impress many with her abilities in the force. While out in the galaxy, Daydos makes many friends on both sides of the law. Occasionally he runs into Marka or other Jedi that he knows. They continue to send holonet messages to each other.
6 BrS 40yrs BBY
Marka asks Daydos to be her partner again for another unsanctioned mission to the Rim. Felblade the pirate has escaped, and Marka wants to capture him again. The council feels that this is revenge, not justice and do not sanction the mission. Marka and Daydos find Felblade, but he knew they were coming, due to one of Daydo’s contacts rolling over for him. He strands the two of them on a remote planet in the Mutanda Sector, called Isla, with no means of escape. Marka tries to call out with the Force to get help but to no avail. Finally giving up after several months, she joins Daydos in surviving on the planet. They then have no more excuses to hide the long hidden feelings they have for each other and fully embrace in love.


5 BrS 39yrs BBY

Rei Daydos is born on the planet Isla. Both Marka and Daydos enjoy the solitude and peace of the secluded world. Marka takes up using Farseeing and exploring the past and future, while Daydos enjoyed exploring the world they were stranded on.


4 BrS 38yrs BBY
Aziz arrives on Isla and rescues Marka, Daydos, and young Rei. They recover and reconnect with the galaxy on Mutanda. Marka agrees to leave Rei with Daydos so that she can have a normal life away from the Jedi Order. Marka, through her meditations, knows that she must go back to the order and fulfill her destiny. With a tearful farewell she leaves Daydos and her beloved daughter behind on Mutanda. Felblade is never captured.
1:3:5 34yrs BBY
Marka comes back to bring Rei into the jedi order since her empathy is so strong and Daydos has struggled to help her with it. Daydos continues to go from place to place helping where he can as a healer and explorer. Marka and Daydos continue to correspond discreetly with each other through the years.
5:7:20 30yrs BBY Mol Sewmec born on Corellia
15:1-15:10 20yrs BBY Clone Wars
Bpfassh Dark Jedi battled by a Jedi Task Force Including Rei and her master/mother Marka Seban
16:1-16:10 19yrs BBY
Clone Wars
-Chase of the Darkstar, Rei captured and manipulated by the Krath, birth of her child.
-Rise of the Empire, Azis and Rei are trained on Mutanda, battle and win against the Krath, right when Order 66 happens. Rei escapes, and is the sole survivor, and makes way to UoAP sector.
-Tales of the Smoking Blaster- Rei becomes part of the crew of The Smoking Blaster, with {Brian} Commanding. She meets {Derek} and finds her father, at the same time on the run from the Imperials
25:2:? 10yrs BBY
-Mol Sewmec gets his first ship 'The Brownie' and begins work as a trader and smuggler.
35:2:30-35 Days BBY
-Sherekhan, with Timon Bisarlog, Liberate the Minos Cluster. Which, incidentally, provides escape for Princess Leia aboard a corvette......?
35:3:1-20 SW4

-The first movie. Game wise: Mol Sewmec's first mission for the Rebellion, Deathstar Run. He's the only survivor of his Y wing squadron. Shrekhan arrives after the fight and joins the Rebellion, along with the other "Heroes of the Minos Cluster"
- Chronicles of the Unforgiven, Episode I+II

  6 months ABY

-Chronicles of the Unforgiven Episode III
-Start of Scout Campaign? Crew of the Stargazer: Fal Evans, captain, Spicer, computers, copilot, Pomru, technician, co-pilot?

  SW5 (3yrs ABY)

- Battle of Hoth: Shortly before the battle, Mol Sewmec
and Orange Squadron are assigned duty in Wildspace, Shrekhan joins into the fight, taking out an AT-AT, the Dark Flare escapes, barely. Timon is captured and turned over to Yerkys no Diego, an crimelord in the Minos Cluster. Shrekhan goes after him.


  SW6 (4yrs ABY)


The Heroes of Minos Cluster rescue Timon Bisarlog from Yerkys no Diego. Then Shrekhan liberates his homeworld and takes over the Imperial Dreadnaught Disoverer and renames it Horansi's Revenge. The Dark Flare, Brown squadron, Shrekhan, and others join the Battle of Endor. Sewmec and Orange squadron are there as well. Sewmec crashes into the forests of Endor, where he finds the Systems patroller that will become the Recycled Swan. Start of the Mol Sewmec campaign.

Shrekhan, Pomru, and others liberate Mutanda Sector from the grip of Grnd Adm Taelek and begin setting up a sector government.

Pomru finds the Hokami, begins pirating the Imperial fleet in Mutanda.


  9yrs ABY


-The Lost Armada of Mercia
-The Battle for Mutanda


  9.5yrs ABY -The Return to Wildspace
  10yrs ABY

-Dark Empire
-Recycled Swan Destroyed on Coruscant
-Taelek comes back and starts tearing up Mutanda Sector. Shrekhan drafts Mol Sewmec to use the experimental Paladin to fight Taelek and journey to the Unknown Regions. (I think….?) Reveal the Deathstar III prototype?
-After completing the missions, Mol Sewmec is paid with a new Recycled Swan (II)


  11yrs ABY

-Jedi Academy-Pomru, Shrekhan all go to Jedi Academy to learn how to be jedi. Francessca goes as well, leaving Mol Sewmec and crew.


  14yrs ABY

-Mol Sewmec and Francessca are married?


  16yrs ABY


-Mol Sewmec takes command of the Paladin again, to find his wife and stop an incursion from [somewhere]? (Mol Sewmec has kids???)




Date Stamp Format
Dates in the Star Wars universe are in the following
A year comprises of ten months and each month is
seven weeks long. Each week consists of five days.
Hence, there are 70 weeks or 350 days in a year.