Creature Features

The abilities listed here are all about the basic nastiness found in a number of beastly and monstrous creatures in the Dresdenverse.

Addictive Saliva

Your saliva is a powerful narcotic, leaving a victim insensate in the short term.
With just a little more exposure, your victim goes straight from senseless to senselessly addicted. For those poor saps, detoxing is a bitch—it’s easier, and more pleasant, just to play along with whatever their new master demands of them.

Mechanics: Reflexes, Martial Arts, Marksmanship, and any other attack form that results in a physical touch. Upon contact, the target must roll Willpower, Stamina, or Strength vs. 5D for the first touch, +1D for each subsequent touch. Once addicted, you will have to wait the time on the chart, based on your addiction level.

Addiction Chart:

Damage from attack

Addiction Dice

Time Addicted



1 week



1 month



6 months



1 year





Cost: 1



You’re an underwater creature, with the benefits that come from that.

Mechanics: Able to breathe underwater and move at normal rate. No penalties to skills while underwater.

Cost: 1


Breath Weapon

You’re able to spit or otherwise throw some sort of self-generated projectile over
a short distance.

Note: You’ll need to lock down this breath weapon to a single type of effect—e.g., acid, fire, lightning, etc.—when you take this ability.

Mechanics: At the time of character creation, you may allocate attribute dice and Skill dice to the Breath Weapon’s damage. Use Marksmanship skill to hit with the weapon. The attack can have Cone or Blast features

Cone: -1D to Dmg/Effect ea row out from source
Blast: Straight line one square wide, range in squares, equal to dice+5

Cost: 2



You have claws, fangs, or other natural weapons that let you add damage when attacking with your “bare” hands.

Note: Unless you have the ability to conceal your nature or change your shape (whether through Flesh Mask, shapeshifting powers, or the application of a Glamour), your claws are always visible.

Mechanics: Brawling or Martial Arts or equivalent skill to hit, damage is Str+2D

Optional: For an additional +2 cost, your attacks have Venomous, which adds Venom damage; +2D to damage, with persistent effects.

Cost: 1


Diminutive Size

You’re very small, or able to become very small at will if you’re a shapeshifter—at the very largest, you’re dwarfed by even a small human child. While small, you have +4D to sneak or stealth rolls and +2D to perception checks. However, Strength checks are -2D to -4D. +2D to dodge rolls

Note: This ability is always in effect unless you have the ability to shapeshift.


Cost: 1


Echoes of the Beast

Some part of you is a beast, an animal—often due to shapechanging abilities or something similar. This brings along the benefits of that animal’s senses.

Beast Senses: Whether in human form or otherwise, your senses are strongly tuned in a fashion fitting a particular type of beast (you must specify the senses when you
take the ability, based on what the beast is known to have). Whenever it seems reasonable that you’d have some sort of beast-born advantage of the senses, you get a +2D bonus to your roll.

Beast Trappings. You are able to do one minor thing that normal people can’t do, related to the abilities of your beast-kin. This might be tracking by scent (for a wolf or other predator), finding your way around while blind or in total darkness (like a bat), or hiding in plain sight (like a chameleon). Bonus of +1D or +2D to appropriate rolls.

Beast Friend. You may achieve at least an instinctual understanding (if not actual communication) with beasts of a similar type. This can allow you to make assessment actions to suss out a particular animal’s motives. +2D to appropriate rolls

Musts: Define the type of beast you share a kinship with at the time you take this ability.


Cost: 1


Hulking Size

You’re very large, or able to become very large at will if you’re a shapeshifter—at the very largest, as tall as a house.

Scale: Depending on how much bigger you are than normal, use scale rules for to-hit and damage resolution.

Too big for things: have trouble interacting with normal sized stuff.

+2D to intimidation rolls

-2D or more to stealth rolls, adjusted for scale differences

Note: This ability is always in effect unless you
can shapeshift.

Cost: 2



Living Dead

You’re dead, but you keep walking around. It’s kind of gross.

Musts: You’ve got to be dead.

Corpse Body. Your body is a corpse. This means that you cannot recover from damage with time, because your body does not regenerate. Any physical consequences you suffer are permanent until you take some kind of effort to remove them (know any good taxidermists?) or seek supernatural assistance to reconstruct your body.

Death is a Nuisance. Unless wholly destroyed or killed by special means, you’re already dead, and that doesn’t seem to have fazed you much. No “death” result is ever permanent unless special means are used (usually as determined by your creature type).

Dude! You’re Dead! And that’s pretty scary to a lot of people. When dealing with folks unaccustomed to the walking dead (and that’s most “regular” people), gain a +1D on Intimidation. The downside? Take a –1D penalty on nearly every other social skill. For every level of physical damage you’ve sustained, increase the
penalty/bonus by –1D/+1D. That said, the effect is short-lived with any one target—as they become accustomed to a reality where the dead walk, they eventually become inured to it as an additional reason to be terrified.

Cost: 1


Pack Instincts

You are part of a pack and share a certain kind of unspoken, animal communication
with one another.

Musts: You must define who is in your pack, and they all must share this ability.

Mechanics: When near another member of your pack, gain +1D to your Perception checks. When in the same area as others of your pack, you may communicate with one another wordlessly. Only single words and simple concepts may be communicated: attack, protect, follow, distract. By focusing your senses, you may make an Investigation roll to pick out the approximate location of others of your
pack. When ambushed, if any one of your pack spots the ambush (by succeeding at an Perception roll), all packmates are considered to have won the Perception roll as well.


Cost: 1


Spider Walk

You can climb on things the way a spider would.

Mechanics: While climbing, you may treat any surface, no matter the angle, as no more difficult than climbing up a vertical surface with plenty of handholds. Ceilings? No problem. If someone or something tries to pull you from the wall, use Strength+2D to resist being yanked off the surface.


Cost: 1


Supernatural Sense

You have a supernatural sense of some sort, enabling you to detect something no
one could normally detect (e.g., smell hope), or to perceive something normally in situations where you otherwise couldn’t (see in complete darkness).

Musts: With each supernatural sense, you must identify whether this is a purely mystical sense (using Lore) or a more physical sense (using Investigation and Perception as appropriate).

Note: The sense you define can’t be a “gamebreaker” without the GM’s approval—no “hear someone’s True Name in their heartbeat,” probably no “see through walls.” Alternatively, such things might be possible, but they should probably
cost an extra one or two points at least. A number of abilities already encompass
some portion of supernatural sensory ability. Don’t purchase this ability unless it’s clearly something extra, above and beyond what you already enjoy from your other abilities.

Mechanics: In situations where you might be penalized or otherwise told that it’s impossible to sense something, you can nevertheless attempt to sense the thing you’ve defined, without penalty. (Use appropriate skill or attribute to roll.)

Strange Senses 1 pt more. You may instead define a small set of up to three thematically related supernatural senses.

Broad Senses 2 pt more. Take this instead of Strange Senses. You have a wide array of supernatural senses, easily up to a dozen.

Cost: 1



You have wings of some sort— gossamer as a faerie, leathery and batlike as a
demon—enabling you to fly.

Musts: Your wings are always present and visible unless you have an ability (Flesh Mask, shapeshifting powers, or the application of a Glamour) allowing you to hide them. You should define the appearance of the wings when you take this ability.

Mechanics: You can fly at your usual move, +5 to 10 more squares, depending on method. GM approval needed.


Cost: 1