Episode Number | Ep Name | Character Actions | Time passed between games |
CWC_101 | Bfassh Uprising pt1 | Tim had a great roleplay moment, got a action dice, Tim and Heather got huge FP score, need to rethink it….Derek has a bunch of credits to have for spending as well. 90k or so? | None |
CWC_102 | Bfassh Uprising pt2 | Tim had a few great moments with dark jedi and combat, Heather earned a Action die for great roleplaying. She swayed Zak from the darkside, gaining a FB of Light4. Brian and trooper blew up an Ulik and thereby causing the station to blow up. Derek also caused a virus to infect the station's Computer. | None |
CWC_103 | Bfassh Upriding pt3 | Interrogation of Zak, found out about the castle, how many forces and ect. Introduced the Fell Swoop, landed at the castle infiltrated first floor, main entrance. Took out one adept. | 4 Days later |
CWC_104 | Bpfassh Uprising pt4 | Further elimination of badguys | None |
CWC_105 | Bpfassh Uprising pt5 | The final battle. After spending a few minutes healing, the crew find out about Wolf's Claw falling towards Bpfassh. Morak and Swoop head for the shield gen in the Folly. While the Jedi head for the Dark Master below… | None |
CWC_106 | Chase of the Dark Star pt 1 | the saga continues: Swoop on the trail of the Bothan, Greyce and Morak on the trail of Lord Kazlor, Rei and Marka on Coruscant. | 1 month |
CWC_107 | Chase of the Dark Star pt 2 | Greyce and Rei go to a bar for intel on Kazlor and also find a back way into the CIS fleet. They are then captured and tortured. They are then rescued by Azis Purrawakwaka. He was late to the big battle, was saving Morak's mom. | 4 Days |
CWC_108 | Chase of the Dark Star pt 3 | Greyce and Rei go to a bar for intel on lab on Bukavo, Swoop was with them. Tim had a 1 on roll to fix lightsaber, could be important. | 1 Day |
CWC_109 | Chase of the Dark Star pt 4 | Greyce-two action die, Rei-One, Kayloff-one. Excellent play, krath poison trap did them in. Greyce moved to Dark2. | 12 hours |
CWC_110 | Chase of the Dark Star pt 5 | Greyce-one action die, tried to resist the Krath implants to no avail, Rei and Swoop got Action dice for figuring out how to get out. Kayloff for doing some damn fine shooting. | None |
CWC_111 | Rise of the Empire pt 1 | Good moments with Rei and Swoop and the Master. | 6 Months |
CWC_112 | Rise of the Empire pt 2 | Rei steals a ARC-170, Greyce jumps early, Rei catches up with her, also they took out CIS ship and evaded fighters, got to Preto just 12 hours before Order 66…..! | None |
CWC_113 | Rise of the Empire pt 3 | Rei and the gang take on the Forces of the Sepratists. | Nearly None |
CWC_114 | Rise of the Empire pt 4 |
Final Battle, Rei takes on Marka's name and buries all three light sabers on Dagobah. | None |