BPRD Disadvantages

Name Die value Effect Source
Achilles' Heel -3, -4 See D6 adventure core book, pg 16 D6 ADV
Addiction -1, -2, -3 1: common cigars, coffee; 2: alcohol 3: addictive drugs; increasing penalty for withdrawal Draco
Advantage Flaw -1, -2, -3 See D6 adventure core book, pg 16 D6 ADV
Age -1,-2 Too young or too old, pg 20 D6 ADV
Albino -1 Must overcome stamina checks when in sun for extended periods of time. Draco
Allergies 2 -1D STR skills for resistance Draco
Argumentative 1 or 2 Hero constantly plays "Devils Advocate" DCH GM
Arrogance 3D The character believes that everyone is beneath them. The get a -2D to all bluff, charm, and persuasion rolls. DCH MH
Bad Liar -2 -1D Bargain, Command, Con, Gambling Draco
Bad Reputation -2, -3 -1pip /per die To con, bargain, persuasion, not widely trusted by those who know you Draco
Bad Temper 2D you must make a Moderate willpower roll to resist losing your temper and doing something rash. HB SB
Ball and Chain -1 You have some animal or character dependant upon you and you feel obligated to it or them. D6 Powers
Blackout 3 During high-pressure or stressful situations, character blackouts for several minutes. In game terms, whenever the character roll a crit failure on a wild die, the character must make a Moderate willpower roll or blackout. DCH
Bloodlust 2D You want to see your foes DEAD! You don't necessarily start fights, but in a serious fight, you have to make a Moderate willpower roll to resist killing your foe. HB SB
Burn-out -1 or more Under a certain set of proscribed circumstances, the Advantage goes away — permanently. D6 ADV
Center of Conversation 1 The hero needs to be the center of conversation whether they realize it or not. DCH
Clumsiness -1, -2, -3 -1pip /Per Die Dexterity skills Draco
Color Blind -2 -1D Stealth, Search/Conceal, Perception rolls concerning colors Draco
Cowardice -3 -1D Bargain, Command, Con, Seduction Draco
Cultural Unfamiliarity -1,-2,-3 The character is, in all respects, an alien. Either he’s from another planet with a completely different culture, or whatever fits the game setting — he just doesn’t fit in (socially, and, most likely, physically). D6 ADV
Curiosity -2 Must overcome willpower rolls to resist exploring anything interesting (GM's call) Draco
Dark Secret 1-3 The Hero has a secret that could cause him embarrassment or discomfort if revealed. DCH
Debt* -1,-2,-3 The character owes a lot of money (or something else valuable) to someone dangerous, or the results of owing this debt are dangerous. D6 ADV
Deep Sleeper -2 Will be perpetually attacked at night Draco
Delusions of Grandeur 3 Hero convinced he is the best there is at what he does. All Presence related skill and attribute rolls receive a-1D penalty DCH
Dependant -1, -2, -3 Your dear old Aunt May who needs looking after Draco
Depression 6 The Character is prone to long lasting bouts of depression. Whenever the player rolls a crit failure on the initial toss of the wild die on any roll, Depression kicks in. During this time, all attribute and skill rolls suffer a -1D penalty. DCH GM
Devotion -1,-2,-3 The character feels compelled to take certain actions out of a love of code or perceived duty to something else. D6 ADV
Easily Intoxicated -2 -1D stamina when drinking Draco
Employed -1,-2,-3 The character has a job. Maybe the job relates to what the character wants to do during adventures, or maybe not. D6 ADV
Enemy -1,-2,-3 An individual or group has it in for the character. D6 ADV
Extremely Competitive 2 The hero always want to win. Must make a Moderate willpower roll to resist any challenge presented. Failure means the character will take on the challenge, unless it risks their life. DCH
Fallback Plan 4 The hero can't function unless he has devised a backup strategy for every situation. If the player doesn't notify the GM of any plans, then the character difficulties increase by one level. DCH GM
Fanatic 3 Dedicated to a philosophical ideal, the source of which maybe a group, a city, or an ethical code. To compromise this ideal requires a Difficult Willpower roll. Failure indicates that the character refuses to participate. DCH
Fugitive 1 to 3 The character is wanted for a crime they may or may not of committed. The level of the Disad is how wanted the character is. DCH
Gambling -2 Must overcome difficult willpower role not to gamble when passing a game or casino. Draco
Greed -3 Will follow the money Draco
Hatred of Authority -2 HATES being commanded Draco
Hideous Appearance 4D The character is horrible looking. Receiving a -2D to any Prescence roll except: animal handling, interrogation, intimidation, and willpower. DCH MH
Hides Emotions 1 Character never shows how they feel. No one ever knows how they feel, so have trouble trusting them. DCH
Hindrance -1 or more The character has a minor physical or mental handicap that makes certain actions more difficult. D6 ADV
Hunted -2, -3, -4 The higher the Points the greater the resources of the hunter Draco
ID Trouble -3 PC has NO identification of any kind IE: no credit account possible, must carry cash, and cannot register vessels. Draco
Illiterate -1 A character can be considered Illiterate for one of two reasons. The first is simply due to her inability to read. The other reason is if she did
not speak the local language.
Impulsiveness 1 to 3 The hero has little thought of the consequences of their actions. DCH
Infamy -1,-2,-3 The character experiences hostility, prejudice, and intentional slights D6 ADV
Kleptomaniac 2 Character cannot help but to take things without permission. To resist the urge is a Moderate willpower roll. DCH GM
Known Publicly -1 You are known publicly and people will come to your door asking for help or to attack. D6 Powers
Language Problems -2 The character does not understand the language of the area she spends most of her time in. D6 ADV
Learning Problems -1 When the character attempts to learn a new skill, or improve an old one, he does so at +2 per rank to the Character Point cost. D6 ADV
Lecherous -2 You know what this is.. Draco
Long Winded 1D to 6D Likes to talk a lot. See Magic Handbook pg 8  
Lost Dependants -3 Character may be vengeful Draco
Low Self-Esteem 2 or 3 Hero has a low opinion of themselves. DCH
Magic Susceptibility 5D+ The hero has an innate susceptibility to magic. 2D provides increased damage from feedback at +2D feedback damage. At 5D all magical damage is increased by Half. DCH MH
Magical Ineptitude 1D Unnaturally incompetent with magic. For each 1D in the Disad, the character gets a -1 to magic skill rolls. DCH MH
Medical Problem 6 The hero suffers from a serious ailment. DCH
Mood Swings -2   Draco
Moral Code -2 Code against killing, following Laws of Magic, that sort of thing Draco
Narcissistic 3 The hero is completely Self Absorbed. All Presence and Presence-based rolls are -1D DCH
Nightmares 4 The character suffers from nightmares almost every night. So the hero needs 10 or more hours of sleep per day. Moderate willpower roll means that they get the required sleep. Failure means they didn't sleep much if at all. DCH
Obsessive Tendencies 2 When a character gets set on a course of action, they will get locked on that action. When asked to do something that has nothing to do with the goal, they become distracted and Perception rolls become -1D until back on track. DCH
Odious Personal Habits 2,3,4 You behave in a manner repugnant to others. 2D=Bad body odor, 3D=Spitting on the floor, 4D=domain of evil scientists, man eating goblins, and the like. HB SB
Overblown Honor -3 Never backs down from a challenge IE: if called chicken would charge a rancor bare handed. Draco
Overconfident -1 You can take care of it! You know the answer! You don't need Help! D6 Powers
Overweight -1, -2, -3 -1pip/Per Die STR skills Draco
Pacifism 3D You are opposed to violence. There are two different forms: Self-defense only-you can only fight to defend yourself. Cannot Kill-You may fight freely, but you do not ever kill. This includes not abandoning a wounded foe. HB SB
Paranoia -3 Paranoid about: the people are watching me, the voices, Moderate willpower roll to resist. DCH pg 25 DCH
Pathological Liar 2 Character can't stop themselves from lying constantly. If he can make a Moderate Willpower roll, he won't lie, but if missed, will start again. DCH GM
Phobia -3 to -7 Whenever in the presence of the object of the fear, all attribute and skill difficulties are increased, depending on how common the fear is and how debilitating the fear is. See pg 25 DCH for details. DCH
Physically Limited 3 to 7 The character is limited physically, either through lameness of limbs, blindness, deafness, or other limitations. DCH
Poor 3 The Character has no money or a home and depends on others for support. DCH
Poverty -1 Since characters who adventure tend to accumulate wealth, this Disadvantage is only available at Rank 1. D6 ADV
Prejudice -1,-2 The minority group the character belongs to is oppressed. The character experiences disparity virtually every day. D6 ADV
Price -1,-2 This is a Disadvantage similar to Advantage Flaw. But, instead of there being something wrong with the character’s Advantage or a set of three related skills, there is a “price tag” attached. Every time the character wants to use the ability, he has to pay a Price at least a few times during the adventure to continue using the ability. D6 ADV
Procrastination 1 This hero puts everything off. When the hero has a time constraint, they must make a Easy Willpower roll or find other tasks to do rather than meet the deadline. DCH
Psychological Disorder 2 to 4 The hero has a mental condition that causes the hero to do harm to themselves or others. DCH GM
Pyromania 1D You like fires! You never miss a chance to watch or light a fire. When absolutely necessary you will need to make a willpower roll to walk away or not start a fire. What level of willpower roll will be left up to GM HB SB
Quirk -1,-2,-3 See D6 adventure core book, pg 26 D6 ADV
Racist -1, -2, -3 (Depending on how common the race) you have a hatred for a certain race (choose race) anytime you see one of their kind you either don't trust them or all out want to kill them. Draco
Reduced Attribute -2 Something about the character’s species, age, physical condition, or some other factor has permanently reduced one attribute by one pip. D6 ADV
Religion -2 Must practice/pay homage Draco
Secret ID -2 You keep your ID hidden, a secret to protect loved ones or others. D6 Powers
Sexual Fetish -2 Pretty self-explanatory…. Draco
Shady Background 2 The character has a criminal record, but is not actively pursued at this time. DCH
Short Life Span -1 Your character has a shortened life span, due to genetics, powers, or other things. D6 Powers
Strange Appearance -1 Your character has a strange or unsettling appearance. D6 Powers
Sworn Enemy 1 to 6 Character has a someone that he considers his arch-foe. DCH
Targeted for Assasination 1 to 3 Someone has targeted the Hero for death. DCH
Technologically Challenged 5 per TL Less technically inclined than most people. -1D to piloting, security, and comp ops rolls. DCH
Terrible Secret -1 You have a horrible secret. D6 Powers
Traumatic Flashbacks -2, -3 Certain events set off flashbacks to something horrible that happened to the character, causing the hero to be distracted. Draco
Unattractive Appearance -2 -1D penalty to any presence or related skill roll except animal handling, disguise, interrogation, and willpower DCH pg 27 DCH
Uncoordinated 5 The character is a klutz. +1D to difficulty of all Reflexes-related and Coordination-related rolls. DCH
Uncouth -2 -1D Bargain, Command, Con Draco
Unmistakable Feature/s -1 Scars, tattoos, etc. Draco
Vision Impairment -1, -2, -4 1: requires corrective lenses 2: partial, -1D ranged weapons, search 4: total blindness, no vision skills Draco