Atmosphere: Normal
CR: 0
Actual Pressure: 0.7-1.5 atm
INT/WIS Penalty: None
Exposure Increment: None
Save: None
Damage/Effect: None
Recouperation Time: None
Hydrosphere: Moist Sub-Humid
Annual Rainfall: 48-59 in.
Daily Weather
None: 1-85
Flood: 86-87 (1d10 mph)
Rain/Snow: 88-93 rain(1d4 in.) or snow (1d6 in.)
Storm: 94-96 thunderstorm or snowstorm 97-98 hurricane or blizzard
Wind: 99 (1d10 mph) 100 (1d10+10 mph)
Geosphere/Basic: Coast (Cliffs)
Special: Roll again to determine the surrounding terrain. See MRB Pg 445
Geosphere/Tectonic: Stable
Daily Earthquakes
None: 1-99
Minor: 100
Moderate: N/A
Major: N/A
None: N/A
Small: N/A(5%)
Medium: N/A
Large: N/A
Biosphere: Grassland
Biosphere Effects
Movement: Per Plains
Temperature: +0 deg F(Summer), +0 deg F (Winter)
Rain/Snow: +0%(Summer), +0% (Winter)
Vegetation/Natural Scenary: Fertile terrain, grass, few trees
Seasons: Mild
Spring: 1-17
Spring Temperature: Unchanged
Summer: 18-50
Summer Temperature: +2d10 DegF
Autumn: 51-83
Autumn Temperature: Unchanged
Winter: 84-100
Winter Temperature: -2d10 DegF
Anthrosphere: Star-Faring
Advancements: Slower-than-light space travel, faster-than-light communication,
energy shielding for spacecraft, extended lifespan
Weapons & Armour: Energy weapons, Stunners
Vehicles: Interstellar ships
Picks: 7
RP: 5
Military Outlook: Moderate
Armed Forces: 1 Soldier per 50,000
Squad Size: 1d4 Soldiers
Combat Condition: When their code of ethics is strongly offended
Government: Theocracy
One god or religious group
Xenophobia: Suspicious
Disposition: Hostile
Disposition Modifier: -2
Civil Rights: Poor
Subjugation: vs anyone (though they treat their slaves well)
Genocide: Never by the government, but the people may differ
Origin/Age: Very Ancient
Origin/Roots: Celtic
Northern Europe - 700BC => 500AD
Cernnunos is a beautiful world of trees and grasslands and home to the Cernnunosians,
a deer/human type of race. Once enslaved by the Celtic god Korneli, they suffered
under his rule. After he left several hundred of years ago, they maintained
his castle waiting for him to return. They were once a starfaring race and encountered
earth many centuries ago. (in fact are responsible for RA finding the earth.)