Atmosphere: Normal
CR: 0
Actual Pressure: 0.7-1.5 atm
INT/WIS Penalty: None
Exposure Increment: None
Save: None
Damage/Effect: None
Recouperation Time: None
Hydrosphere: Semi-Arid
Annual Rainfall: 17-24 in.
Daily Weather
None: 1-88
Flood: 89 (1d10 mph)
Rain/Snow: 90-92 rain(1d3-1 in.) or snow (1d6-2 in.)
Storm: 93 thunderstorm or snowstorm 94 dust storm 95 hurricane
Wind: 96-97 (1d10 mph) 98 (1d10+10 mph) 99 (1d10+20 mph) 100 (1d10+30 mph)
Geosphere/Basic: Cliffs
Special: None
Geosphere/Tectonic: Stable
Daily Earthquakes
None: 1-99
Minor: 100
Moderate: N/A
Major: N/A
None: N/A
Small: N/A(5%)
Medium: N/A
Large: N/A
Biosphere: Grassland
Biosphere Effects
Movement: Per Plains
Temperature: +0° F(Summer), +0° F (Winter)
Rain/Snow: +0%(Summer), +0% (Winter)
Vegetation/Natural Scenary: Fertile terrain, grass, few trees
Seasons: Normal
Spring: 1-25
Spring Temperature: Unchanged
Summer: 26-50
Summer Temperature: +2d20°F
Autumn: 51-75
Autumn Temperature: Unchanged
Winter: 76-100
Winter Temperature: -2d20°F
Anthrosphere: Star-Faring
Advancements: Slower-than-light space travel, faster-than-light communication,
energy shielding for spacecraft, extended lifespan
Weapons & Armour: Energy weapons, Stunners
Vehicles: Interstellar ships
Picks: 7
RP: 5
Military Outlook: Extremely Sensitive
Armed Forces: 1 Soldier per 50,000
Squad Size: 1d4 Soldiers
Combat Condition: When anyones code of ethics are offended (even that of another
Government: Diarchy
Two joint rulers, usually with equal power
Xenophobia: Suspicious
Disposition: Unfriendly
Disposition Modifier: -1
Civil Rights: Moderate
Subjugation: Never (laws against slavery, but not against prejudice)
Genocide: Never by the government, but some people may differ
Origin/Age: Ancient
Origin/Roots: Celtic
Northern Europe - 700BC => 500AD
A former world of the Tuatha de Danan. It has developed into a very advanced
culture, where man-machine interfaces are the norm. They seem to steal tech
where the can and use it to further their society. See Mission Report SG4-102